Berlin Exhibition Group

Corporate Design for BEG

With the Berlin Exhibition Group (BEG), an overall brand was developed that unites four companies in the field of trade fair construction. The traditional Berlin exhibition construction companies Formfoundation, MINUTH, ELMES and Raum & Werbung form synergies as a network. Their services complement each other through the areas of design/creative agency, production, electrical rental and logistics. Through the BEG, they increase their market presence, but remain self-sufficient. They work together in a modular and flexible way, depending on the volume and type of contract.

The brand visualizes the jointly developed values: shaping spaces – lively – creative – modular – powerful – responsible. A central element of the brand consists of the hexagonal cube, which is used as a silver outline in the logo. Its shape and surfaces stand for three-dimensional spaces. The additional claim “we work together” underscores the central corporate goal of collaboration, both among themselves and with customers nationally and internationally.
As a colorful distinguishing element, the cube is placed individually or in combination as an illustrative background in print and digital media. Changing colors and surfaces make the perspective in the cube jump to emphasize the mobility and modular nature of the work. In the cube we also find elements of the four participating companies, be it through form or color. In contrast to the colorful background, the BEG logo and the individual company logos stand out in silver.

Each participating company can visually refer to the BEG network in its existing communication. Through a logo line in silver at the bottom of each media. To bring the different company designs together visually, there is another common design element – the silver grid in the background.

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