Well prepared for web development

Blog 16. April 2018

You should be well prepared for the development of your website. Particularly thorough considerations of structure, design and address are very helpful for the realisation of the design.

What is to be considered?

1. Shortening and simplifying is the top priority. This applies to content, structure, design and functionality. Not only because the reading time of web users is short, but because only the essentials are most important.

2. Analyse your target group. It can also be helpful to put yourself in the position of the target group. Which of your contents are most important for whom?

3. Research partner and competitor companies, to position yourself, not to copy.

4. Define your values and goals. Find out what sets you apart. These criteria are very helpful for an authentic design and address.

5. Structure the content. Which hierarchies exist and which information is really relevant? To do this, create a menu structure and think about short paths to information.

6. Be up to date. So that your website doesn’t look too static, bring some variety into it. The home page is a suitable place to communicate news. However, you should refrain from having a news section if there is no regular news.

7. Find your individual style. Of course it is tempting to buy one of the “finished” website themes. However, the creative possibilities are quite limited and the themes are similar. In order to visually show off your flair and to implement the strategies you have developed, consult a designer/programmer.

8. Network. Correct keywording and possible connection to social media applications increases findability. A selective and conscious decision as to which web applications are suitable is also a part of this.